The story of Tokyo Ghoul starts from Ken Kaneki, a college student who barely survives a deadly encounter with Rize Kamishiro, his date who reveals herself as a ghoul, a human-like creature that hunts and devours human flesh, and is taken to the hospital in critical condition.
After recovering, Kaneki discovers that somehow he underwent a surgery that transformed him into a half-ghoul by transferring some of Rize’s organs into his body, as she died when she attacked him, and just like them, he must consume human flesh to survive as well. With no one else to turn to, he is taken in by the ghouls who manage the coffee shop “Anteiku”, who teach him to deal with his new life as a half-human/half-ghoul, including interacting with ghoul society and its conflicting factions, while striving to keep his identity secret from other humans. (Source:Wiki)
Super-powered “ghouls” stalk through the night hunting humans for food; the police are largely powerless to protect the people; and Ken Kaneki finds himself standing between the worlds of predator and prey…
It is just absolutely amazing, action-packed, thrilling, and dramatic. Although you have to give some time to like the main protagonist Kaneki Ken, he turns into a likable and strong character, when he kills and devours Yamori, or better known as Jason. He stops at nothing to become stronger, so he could protect his friends, although he does not become a madman like Yamori. This show has some truly amazing character development, with unpredictable episodes and a powerful main character, with strong resolve.
Ken Kaneki Cosplay
Rize Kamishiro Cosplay
Toka Kirishima/ Touka Kirishima Cosplay
Juuzou Suzuya Cosplay
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