Here’s the best cosplay of what we saw on the day of the popular culture convention:
Owen takes his velociraptor Blue, Delta, Echo and Charlie on vacation from Jurassic World.
The Riddler from Batman is looking particularly saucy with that question-mark mask.
Maleficent in her younger years.
Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Wikus of District 9.
Hawk Girl brandishes her mace.
This Kratos is more adorably fierce than intimidatingly powerful than he was in God of War.
Mortal Kombat comes to Dragon Con with Scorpion, Ermac Reptile, and Subzero.
X-man’s Wolverine grew more dignified but no less bad-tempered as his hair greyed.
Image credit: Meryl Chan
No one expects an elevator full of Stonecutters, the secret society from the Simpsons.
Predator and Alien just haven’t been able to get along ever since their epic showdown under the ice in Alien vs. Preditor.
Aayla Secura, a Rutian Twi’lek jedi from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Strax is invariably polite, even if he is about to enact infinite violence in Doctor Who.
Rocky Balboa and Ivan Drago face off one more time.
Alice is in Hysteria Mode, prepared to really do some damage.
Edward Scissor hands does his best to not accidentally finger-comb his hair.
I never want to meet Freddy Krueger in a dark hallway.
Camouflage for the Marriott carpet looks distinctly out-of-place in the other host hotels.
Frankenberry and the Bride of Frankenberry.
This retro-tastic modern astronaut from the advertising billboard of Fallout’s loading screen has all the details spot-on, right down to the tiny hint of Nuka-Cola product placement.
Alien will never survive this multi-pronged attack.
The ladies of Mad Max are tough as can be.
Furiosa and Coma-Doof Warrior soak in the relative luxury of being anywhere but in the world of Mad Max: Fury Road.
Captain Marvel.
The Winter Soldier has relieved Captain America of his shield.
River Tam: the ultimate lesson of never underestimating a lady, particularly if she’s got very sharp blades within reach.
Duck Dodgers is utterly bewildered by these strange Earthling habits after too much time on Mars.
Wonder Woman and Superman share a rare moment of peace.
An Alien chest-burster is a particularly gruesome death, even for a Star Trekredshirt.
Finn, a suspected jedi from Star Wars: the Force Awakens.
Morrigan Aensland, the succubus and powerful demon realm princess from Darkstalkers.
Barbabarina, the rogue arcade machine robot and Hackerman from Kung Furyadd an even more surreal scene to their already odd script.
This Jaffa Guard from Stargate will protect his Goa’uld System Lord with his life.
White Walker from Game of Thrones.
Star Trek’s Vulcan science officer gets a uniform makeover.
Pac-Man is actually a grim, dystopian tale of an astronaut trapped in a derelict space station haunted by his deceased crewmates.
X-Man’s Psylocke after the telepath body-swapped into the body of ninja Kwannon.
John McCane of Die Hard always has an epic Christmas.
The ladies of FEMM (Cyberbird and Yufflebunny), the Far East Mention Mannequins, a Japanese J-pop band.
The Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz is keeping a tight leash on her remaining flying monkey.
This Sugar Plum Fairy from Cabin In The Woods is a truly terrifying ballerina.
Resistance is futile: a borg assimilates Captain Kirk of Star Trek.
This pint-sized Harley Quinn (Nicola) won the Masquerade costume contest for her age category. Image credit: Mika McKinnon
Patsy and Edina are Absolutely Fabulous, always and forever. Image credit: Robert Lloyd
Kimmy Schmidt (Phoebe Hill) is downright unbreakable even on the last day of con.
Jake Lonagin (Chasen Crawford) of Cowboys and Aliens pairs up with a Twi’lek (Erica Bristow) from Star Wars to battle more sinister, less mannerly aliens.
Storm (Allyssa Lewis) prepares to unleash extreme weather while awaiting the other X-Men.
Spotting Wendigo of Hannibal may be a sign that it’s time to shower, eat, and sleep before experiencing a con-induced psychotic break.
“Costume Not Found” (Voiceover Monkey) is an error we’ve all encountered before.
Steampunk Ood (Michael Higginbotham) is the best ood of all the fabulous representatives explored in Doctor Who.
Red and her titular Transistor sword.