The Legend of Heroes is a Japanese role-playing game developed by Nihon Falcom for the PlayStation Portable. The story presented is clearly meant to be the beginning of a larger, overarching tale and delivers a heartfelt and compelling journey. The story begins slowly with a good deal of characterization and world-building, introducing Estelle and Joshua along with their various companions. However it picks up speed relentlessly during the mid-point of the game before finishing with a thrilling finale.
With The Legend of Heroes cosplay costumes can be more perfectly to have the real experience of the whole story. The story is fantastic maintaining an epic scale while remaining personal by focusing on Estelle and Joshua’s journey as they mature and develop. Furthermore, the world is exceptionally well realized and it is clear that the developers had grand ambitions of creating an epic tale spanning multiple games.
Subsequent games in the series dropped their association with the Dragon Slayer saga. The Legend of Heroes III, The Legend of Heroes IV, and The Legend of Heroes V comprised the “Gagharv Trilogy”, a set of connected games taking place in the same world.
It needs saying right off the bat – Estelle Bright is one of the most likeable protagonists to come about in a long time. She’s a confident girl who isn’t afraid to speak her mind but at the same time shows a lot of depth during her journey. She’s complimented by a number of other fantastic characters including Joshua who is her constant companion and balances out her headstrong nature with his reserved and calm attitude. Their relationship is one of the game’s high points and is both funny and charming throughout the course of the game.
The rest of their companions are also exceptionally well realized, from the cocky Agate to the downright hilarious Olivier and the character interactions are smartly written and are simply enjoyable to witness. The secondary characters that fill the world of Liberl are also a highlight of the game and interesting characters can be found in all of the towns visited during the game.