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AKB48 founder Yasushi Akimoto: Philippine idol group plans in progress

With JKT48 and SNH48 idol groups already representing the massive AKB48 banner abroad, idol group founder, Yasushi Akimoto, has announced his plans to form yet another sister group, this time in the Philippines.


Akimoto has said he wanted to spread idol culture around the world, and Philippines, which also has legions of J-pop fans, would be a good place to spread that idol culture. He announced that the plan to build an AKB48 sister group in the Philippines is now in progress. He has previously spread idol culture in Indonesia with JKT48, and in China, with SNH48. I wonder what the Philippine group will be called?


Also to spread idol culture around the world, Akimoto has also said that he aims to make an idol group known as Japan48 by 2020 when Japan will be hosting the rest of the world for the 2020 Summer Olympics. He plans to get members from each of the “48” idol groups in Japan to form Japan48.


He previously announced the formation of the new idol group, NGT48, based in Niigita. He chose the city because there was no “48” idol group based in the Sea of Japan side of the country and chose Niigita, the largest city. He also announced that he wants to form idol groups from Sapporo, Sendai, and Okinawa.