1. You’ll get overly excited and pick a cosplay that is way too complicated
I can totally make this.
2. You realize you have no money so you try buying all the off-brand materials
Crazy Original Bad Boy Style Yelow Wavy Wig / Only Wig
Yeah, this wig will work.
3. You order shoes online
These are 3 sizes too small and blue. I’ll wear it.
4. You will drop all of your pins then step on them for the next week
Thor: The Dark World / Marvel Studio
It’s like a treasure hunt for your feet!
5. You will get blood on your cosplay, somewhere
Beyond the Boundary / Kyoto Animation
Well, now you’re a part of your cosplay! Just try not to prick/stab/cut/slice yourself more than twice.
5. You will hot-glue your hand to something
The Simpsons / Fox
Your hands are pretty much made of hot-glue by now
6. You realize you don’t have enough time to finish the cosplay in the two weeks until the convention
7. You will try to style your wig, it is now destroyed
I just need to brush it a few times
8. You don’t find a picture of the back of your cosplay until you’re more than halfway done
Arrested Development / 20th Century Fox
“I’ll just try to keep my back to the wall, I guess…”
9. You survive on coffee and sugar the week before the con because your cosplay isn’t done
Meet the Robinsons / Walt Disney
You transcend your human form and before part god, part cosplay machine.
10. Your sewing machine will break and you will have to try to sew it by hand.
“Why did I pick something with so much fabric?!”
11. You run out of thread, you have to use what you have.
Community / NBC
After you eat a cookie and cry in the corner
12. You forget to put in zipper
Thor: The Dark World / Marvel Studio
Safety pins work, right?
13. You start believing that duct tape fixes everything
Mythbusters / Discovery Channel
Duct tape is made of tiny threads and glue so it’s like sewing but better!
14. You sew yourself into your cosplay the day of and learn you have a bladder of steel.
“Please stop talking, I really do need to concentrate here.”
15. You didn’t give yourself enough room in your cosplay so you can never sit down in it.
But you look incredible.
And as everyone compliments your cosplay, all you can think of is how much fun making it and hanging out with your cosplay friends is.
You start to happily plan your next cosplay.