Sword Art Online is a 2009 Japanese light novel series written by Reki Kawahara and illustrated by Abec. The series takes place in the near future and focuses on various virtual reality MMORPG worlds. Sword Art Online has received widespread commercial success, with the light novels having over 19 million copies sold worldwide. The anime series has received mixed to positive reviews, praised for its animation, musical score, and exploration of the psychological aspects of virtual reality, but criticized for its pacing and writing.
The popular main characters in the Sword Art Online anime, also known as SAO, are Kirito and Asuna. RoleCosplay offers customized fine cosplay costumes to global fans of SAO who want to DIY the cosplay roles. With our highly matched costumes and wigs, cosplayers are able to show the characters perfectly. Some of the most cosplayed roles are Kirito, Asuna Yuuki, Lisbeth, Klein, Alfheim, etc.