eborn!, known in Japan as Katekyō Hitman Reborn! is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Akira Amano. The manga is about a young boy, Tsunayoshi Sawada, who discovers that he is next in line to become boss of the Vongola family, a powerful Mafia organization. The Vongolas' most powerful hitman, a gun-toting infant named Reborn, is sent to teach Tsuna how to be a boss. The manga's chapters were serialized in Japan in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump from May 2004 to November 2012 and have been published in forty-two tankōbon volumes. An anime adaptation of the series by Artland aired on TV Tokyo from October 7, 2006 to September 25, 2010. As one of the best-selling manga and anime, it was really popular among all over the world. Cosplayers who want to cosplay the characters from it can find their cosplay costumes in Rolecosplay, Such as Lambo Bovino, Ryohei Sasagawa, Mukuro Rokudo, Chrome Dokuro, etc. It also provides high qaulity costumes for the adult characters after ten years in the anime.