B-Project: Kodou*Ambitious is the anime adaptation of Japanese cross-media project B-PROJECT. It began airing in Japan on July 3, 2016 and ran for a total of 12 episodes before concluding on September 25, 2016. It is the first season of the B-Project anime. It follows the story of Tsubasa Sumisora as she becomes the new A&R and oversees the B-Project idol unit under Gandara Music.
If you like music and are interested in being school idol like them, you should not miss these main characters' costumes in rolecosplay online shop, such as the uniforms of Tomohisa Kitakado, Ryuji Korekuni, Goushi Kaneshiro,Yuuta Ashuu, Kazuna Masunaga, Tatsuhiro Nome, Momotaro Onzai, Hikaru Osari, Mikado Sekimura, etc. And surely, there is also the heroine's costume for Sumisora Tsubasa cosplay!